Copyright © StianLarsen All Rights Reserved
"kÖök are still completely uncompromising. What the two create is open, free and beautiful in a very personal way." - Tor Hammerø
"This piece may mark the future of kÖök’s ever-evolving sonic vision" - Salt peanuts
"...a thrilling journey that is nothing short of wonderful to join." - Nettavisen
“Both sides of this album take Bashō haikus into uncharted yet inspired sonic tours” - Eyal Hareuveni, Salt Peanuts
"kÖök's music has an organic flow and dynamics right into the corners. As if from a band that lives and knows how to tell a story" - Jazznytt
"kÖök is definitely an interesting and uncompromising organism." -Tor Hammerø
"It's hard to say something fresh in the intersection between art music and improvisation, but that is exactly what kÖök is doing successfully. The sound is clear and complex, surprising and reflected. The electronic nuances and diversity of sound in slow motion begets images of lavishness. 5/6" -Arild R. Andersen, Aftenposten
"Those looking for that massive listening experience with subtle nuances experienced in KÖÖK's "Imber, Wiltshire" a gem!"
"Above all – “Imber, wiltshire” is authentic and modest in intention, yet gigantic and monolithic in practice. This reason alone, beyond all possible superlatives about their music, is a good enough reason to get this cold and heavy album." -Cynif
"Norwegian guitarists Stian Larsen and Jørn Erik Ahlsen provide a tantilisingly wonderful selection of soundscapes in this, their first outing for FMR. Both are expert in not just playing the guitar but the use of live electronics which can of course provide endless possibilities. Seven constantly changing textures and ideas from two of Europes greatest and most creative improvisors."-FMR
"Rubbed strings, static, eerie tapped-on guitar sounds and the odd blip or squeak all float around the central humming light like moths around a flame. Patience is required to let the bent sounds slowly evolve and get a bit more dense evoking the occasional ghost-like spirits drifting around one another in a ritualistic dance of the Summer's new reappearance." - Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery
"What makes kÖök special is its seamless blending of lyricism and electronic textures, topped off by a healthy dollop of mischief. This combination of intelligence and playfulness is immensely pleasing, and the group's inaugural release offers an altogether fresh addition to the world of electronic ambient music." - Florence Wetzel/
22/11/24: OUT NOW! Our brand new acoustic album is now live! Head over to our Bandcamp and get your copy now! Accompanied by beautiful photos by Simen Dieserud Thornquist, the hard copy is preferred! Click here to buy!
22/10/24: Pre-order for our new acoustic album is now live! This is a very special experiment for kÖök and we hope you guys will enjoy it as much as we do! Click here to pre-order "Let Yourself Evaporate".
4/11/23: Review in Norwegian by Tor Hammerø for Nettavisen:
"...en spenningsreise som det er intet mindre enn herlig å bli med på." - Read more
15/10/23: "This piece may mark the future of kÖök’s ever-evolving sonic vision"
13/10/23: NEW ALBUM OUT NOW!
29/8/23: We're releasing an excerpt from our upcoming album available for digital presave now! Please presave our single by clicking on the link to help us share our music! PRESAVE HERE
7/8/23: Our new album "kÖök - 5" is due to release the 13th of October. Featuring an extended line up: Morten Qvenild on keys, Per Oddvar Johansen on drums and Marius Gjersø on trumpet. PRE ORDER HERE
12/3/23: Our album is finished mixing, mastering and are sent for pressing. We are really happy with how it turned out and are excited to show you guys! Release in the fall 2023. Follow us on facebook or instagram for more updates.
10/6/22: We're in Ugla Studio recording our 10 year anniversary album with extended band featuring Morten Qvenild, Per Oddvar Johansen and Marius Gjersø. Stay tuned!
7/3/22: A big thank you to all who came out to our shows in Norway last week. It meant a lot to us to finally show you what we have been working on the last months. Stay tuned for more dates!
1/3/22: We are playing with Marius Gjersø and André Kassen in Skien at Hotellet tonight at 20h. Marius Also joins us on the Tøyen Startup Village (Oslo) on thursday March 3 and Nesodden Jazzklubb saturday May 5. Hope to see you there!
1/1/22: Happy anniversary to us! This year we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary as a band. We are currently booking tour dates and will also release new music with special guests and exciting new material. Stay tuned for more information!
1/6/21: We have played a release concert in Vanntårnet featuring Marius Gjersø on visuals. Check it out here.
15/4/21: Check out our bandcamp to pre-order our upcoming album!
13/4/21: NEW ALBUM ALERT! The official release day for our new album is May 7th. Save the date!
29/10/20: Marius Gjersø have reworked "Frog Leaps In/Sound of Water" and it's beautiful. Listen, like and follow here.
16/10/20: The new single "Frog Leaps In/Sound of Water" is released. We sould appreciate if you took the time to listen, like and follow on our spotify page. HERE.
21/8/20: "Old Pond" is released. This is the first single from the upcoming album! Click here to listen! Also the excellent remix by Machinefabriek is released today. Listen here.
11/8/20: Save the date. We're releasing the first single "Old Pond" from our upcoming album on friday 21 August. Also released the same day is the remix done by Machinefabriek. This will be the first release from our project where we do single releases with collaboraters remixing our tunes. Check back next week for more details!
30/4/20: We are back! Catch up on our back catalogue on spotify or your preferred music source.
28/2/16: Mixing our new record recorded live in Vanntårnet last summer. We are excited to show you all soon!
13/1/16: Check out the video Ingrid Solvik made for our track "Slumber Court".
The video is made by physically manipulating vintage 16mm film with bleach and frame by frame animation drawn directly on the analog film. Link here.
3/10/15: Thank you Japan for having us! Thank you to all the venues, our audience, everybody who bought merch and records, all you beatiful people we met during our brief stay. We can't wait to come back!
31/8/15: kÖök are having a small concert at Nesodden Kunstforenings høstfest at Vanntårnet 12th september at noon. Entrance 150,-
20/7/15: We are happy to annonce that we are featured on CD anthology "The Wire Tapper 38" going worldwide with The Wire Magazine in August. Check it out!
6/2/15: Austria! We're invited to play at Klangfest Winter, NORDKLANGLICHT in Untergreith the 14th of February. Also playing a concert at "Alte Schmiede" in Vienna the 13th at 19h.
10/2/15: We're joining up with Norwegian superduo Vilde&Inga for an intimate concert at Kulturhuset in Oslo February 10th. Show starts at 19h sharp. 100,- c.c.
5/10/14: "It's hard to say something fresh in the intersection between art music and improvisation, but that is exactly what kÖök is doing successfully. The sound is clear and complex, surprising and reflected. The electronic nuances and diversity of sound in slow motion begets images of lavishness. 5/6" -Arild R. Andersen, Aftenposten
"Those looking for that massive listening experience with subtle nuances experienced in KÖÖK's "Imber, Wiltshire" a gem!"
4/9/14: Tonight at Kulturhuset we are having a release concert and party. We have guest musicians, cava, live visuals and real CDs! Show is free and starts at 20h.
25/7/14:We are happy to announce that on the 5th of september we will release our new album "Imber, Wiltshire" on the record label Va Fongool. Stay tuned for more info! Meanwhile take a look at the cover designed by Lasse Marhaug.
21/6/14: kÖök plays ESG-21 in St. Petersburg. Be there at 20h and bring 250 Rubels for the door.
19-20/6/14: kÖök is playing the Noise & Fury Festival in Moscow, Russia. Venue: DOM
27/4/14: kÖök joins up with Ingrid Solvik for a early morning set at Podium as part of the 24h sound festival in Oslo. 10.00 sharp, free entrance.
19/3/14: kÖök at UPOP in Ørlandet.
21/3/14: kÖök at Pizdets, Oslo
22/3/14: kÖök at Vanntårnet, Oslo.
25/2/14: kÖök's playing the übercool concert series "Blow Out" at Mir, Oslo.
3/10/13: We're still exciting after the first listening to what will become our 3rd record, due in 2014. An outtake can be found on Jørn Erik's homepage here. Meanwhile you can check out a great review of our first record done by
23/6/13: kÖök+Astrid Groseth is playing St. Dans festival at Tonsenhagen
31/5/13: Upcoming gig on Henriken on friday 31 May. The talented dancer Astrid Groseth is joining us and the show starts at 20.00. Check out a video from our latest collaborations under the VIDEOS section. Hope to see you there!
27/5/13: Thanks to Ingrid Solvik for a great tour in England with us. Video can be found under the VIDEOS section. Also thanks to Mike Hurley, Diatribe, John Russell, Alan Wilkinson, Astma, Colin Webster and Keith Ford for making this tour a great experience.
13/3/13: kÖök are performing live april 4th on "Cinema neuf" with live visuals. More info TBA.
16/2/13: "Live in Leipzig" release TODAY February 16th. Concert in Stein & Jord Platebar, Hammersborggata - Oslo at 16.00. Free entrance. Welcome!
10/1/13: Happy new year. kÖök is releasing a live recording from Leipzig soon. Stay tuned!
5/10/12: kÖök is playing another show with Astrid Groseth, the wonderful dancer, at Ila Fysikalske Thursday 18 Oct 20h. For those of you who missed the show at "høyt og lavt" this is your opportunity!
27/7/12: kÖök is playing the "høyt og lavt" festival in Oslo August 4th. It's another collaboration with a dancer, this time it's Astrid Groseth, and it's all happeing at Kunsthall Oslo.
15/6/12: "Stian and Jorn use a variety of Frippish drones and other electronic-sounding effects to bathe us in a near-soothing quietly alien soundscape." - Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery. Read the whole review here.
15/6/12: Now also available on itunes!
4/6/12: Release concert will be at the record store Stein og Jord in Oslo, Saturday 9 June at 15.00. Free entrance!
30/5/12: You can now pre-order the record by clicking the "buy CD" button and leaving your name and adress. The record costs 100NOK and comes directly to your mailbox. (invoice, no pre-payment required)
Also available on facebook. Visit us by clicking the facebook icon down left. Hey!
14/5/12: Just got the new record in the mail, and it looks and sounds great! Stay tuned for more info about the release concert!
25/4/12: We're playing with dancers at the cool Anti-Loop improv collective at Tøyenkontoret tonight at 20h. Free entrance.
23/4/12: Thanks to everybody who contributed to make our tour happen both musicians, audiences and venues. Had a great time playing each and every gig, and we met a lot of great people.! Stay tuned for more exciting news to come.
20/4/12: Good gig in Skien last night at Mubo. Had a great time playing, and a nice concert from Kassen/Ytre-Arne. Going to Trondheim today! Split with Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø at Ni Muser tonight at 20h. If your in the neighbourhood - stop by!
Had a great time in Germany! Thanks to John Hughes, Gängeviertel and Klangarten. Next: Skien 19/4, Trondheim 20/4 and Nesodden 21/4. Check the LIVE section for more info.
New videos added under VIDEO section, record coming soon on FMR-Records, tour starting next week. A lot of stuff happening!
Check out the "LIVE"-section for more information.
Prelistening. New exerpts from the upcoming album "kÖök" is available under the "MEDIA" section. Check it out!
First mix of the new album finished. Excited about the final result.
New website is up and running.